Pleasures and Ponderings

Friday, August 12, 2011

Places I'm Most Afraid to Go

Places I'm Most Afraid to Go (from my Memoir Writing group, with a 10-minute timer)

What came up, to my surprise, was "Am I doing life all right?" I'd just agreed with my lover that we need balance--not always pursuing goals so intensely. I had the start of a sore throat Wed. night, my usual signal to slow down. I doctored up and slept well.

Thursday morning I caught up on my journal and started a new way of organizing myself. I wrote 23 separate tasks or activities on 23 old checkbook pages and put them in ABC order and listed them on my pink envelope, which now holds the 23 papers. What I've been doing for years is to write every task that comes to mind in a spiral notebook. The only problem is how very often I've had to scan several pages to find my highest priority. Or I've written those priorities over and over on the next days' pages, because I let myself get sidetracked by emails and my curiosity, and don't finish what I intended to. At this point, I'm most afraid I won't find ANY organizing system that will keep me focused and lead me to sure conclusions.

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